Zoya Magical Pixie Dusts in Bar, Ginni, & Arlo

23 May

Oh Zoya Magical Pixie Dusts, how I love thee. I’m such a sucker for everything sparkly and textured that when Zoya first started their Magical Pixie Dusts I wanted to SQUEEEEE with joy. You know I might have done that, I can’t remember. 😉

The newest Summer Collection of Magical Pixie Dusts is amazeballs. Yes, I said amazeballs, because these polishes totally deserve that word.

Bar is a gorgeous golden tan that would be nude if it didn’t pull so golden. I know in the deep summer when you really have your tan on this color will just POP.  It’s like sparkly beach sand in a bottle and on the nail. I love it. Its gorg!!


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Ginni is an ADORABLE light almost barbie pink that just screams summer. Just looking at it made me happy. Do you see the holo in that macro shot. OMG! Its like holo, rocky, cotton candy goodness on your nail. Only Zoya can pull that off! I LOVE IT!!!




I have to tell you though, Arlo is for the standout in this group for me. This raspberry purply pink is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!! I have it on right now and I just want to keep it on for days and days. Its so eye catching and stunning. People notice this polish. I’m pretty sure Arlo has landed near the top of my favorite polishes of all time. I’m not even lying!!




Magical Pixies are ALWAYS musthaves for me. They’re avaible to order now and you really need to add all of these to your collection ASAP. They’re GORGEOUS!!!!


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